The Security Companies Association (AES) today called for an end of undeclared work in the industry and compliance with the working hours of eight hours, in order to increase tax revenues and create over 8,000 jobs.
“If all the work done by the sector’s companies were regularized tax revenues and social security would increase. At the same time, if all the workers fulfilled the 8-hour schedule could be created over 8,000 jobs in the industry,” he said Lusa Vice President of AES, Jorge Couto at the end of a meeting with journalists.
According to Jorge Couto, it is customary in many businesses their security guards and vigilantes meet schedules of 12 hours instead of the eight legal hours, and not declaring overtime.
Currently the 93 security companies employ about 36,000 workers, when in 2010 employed 41,000.
Most sector workers (90%) are employed in 10 or 12 companies in the industry, but according to the head of AES, “just over 4 fully comply with all the rules.”