Vocational training course that allows, according to Ordinance No. 148/2014, to all interested parties undertake private security activity.

Course Code: ARD

Area: Private Security || Duration: 90


Vocational training course that allows, according to Ordinance No. 148/2014, to all interested parties undertake private security activity. This course is a specific training module needed to practice the Sports Fair Wizard function.

It is intended that the students apply in their workplace knowledge and skills in the area of law of sport events and violence prevention, security system, environment and crowd management, communication with spectators, contingency plans and emergency, magazines, management conflicts and self-defense.


If you already have the course and want to update their training duration is 30 hours. Being less incisive approach of modules.

Course Structure

  • MODULE I (ARD01) Legal Regime of Sports Shows and Violence Prevention
  • MODULE II (ARD02) Security Systems in sport centers and Command Structure
  • MODULE III (ARD03) Environment Maintenance and Insurance Management Crowds
  • MODULE IV (ARD04) Management Needs Spectator. Information, Guidance and Counselling
  • MODULE V (ARD05) Contingency plans and emergency. Evacuation sports venues
  • MODULE VI (ARD06) Magazines and searches Security Procedures
  • MODULE VII (ARD07) Incident management and emergency procedures
  • Module VIII (VIG05) Conflict Management and Detention Procedures
  • MODULE IX (VIG07) Self Defense


  • Identification document of an EU Member State, a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or, subject to reciprocity, the rule of Portuguese-speaking;
  • Certificate of Qualification (compulsory education)
  • Criminal Record for Private Security Activity
  • 3 Photos
  • Updated Curriculum Vitae
  • Base Training Module (only for students who are not vigilant)
  • Units short of the National Catalogue of Qualifications: first aid techniques; Prevention and fire fighting
