The check-training measure, which aims to facilitate individual access of workers to training, was published in the Official Gazette on 3 August and entered into force on 5th of this month.
The initiative will have a total cost of 67 million euros by 2020, of which 60 million will be financed by the State Budget and seven million will be provided by the new Community Support Framework.
What is the check-formation?
The check-formation is a grant awarded by the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP) to businesses, workers and the unemployed attending training sessions tailored to business needs and the labor market.
What are the objectives?
The check-education “aims to enhance the skills and employability”, improving productivity and competitiveness of enterprises, by investing in professional training of its employees.
The initiative aims, among others, “boost the demand for training on the part of the assets employed and unemployed” and promote “the adjustment between supply and demand” for training activities. It is up to IEFP annually identify priority training areas “according to the dynamics of the labor market.”
Who are the beneficiaries?
Can benefit from check-forming active employees, regardless of skill level, and the unemployed registered in the IEFP, who have a qualification between levels 3 and 6 (high school and undergraduate) for at least 90 consecutive days.
What is the financial support for workers?
The support to be awarded considers the limit of 50 hours of training over two years and a value of 4 euros per hour with a maximum amount of EUR 175 per worker, and the related funding to 90% of total training.
Who points the applications?
Applications are submitted directly by the workers themselves or by companies and the check-training can be delivered to the employee or the employer.
And what are the support for the unemployed?
The unemployed attending training, a maximum of 150 hours over two years, get a matching financial support to the total amount of training action to the amount of 500 euros, which adds an educational grant, meal allowances and expenses transport, as long as the employer does not give this support.
The formation of choice must be adjusted to the respective personal qualification plans (determined by the Centers for Qualification and Professional Education) and the frequency of training does not relieve the unemployed active job search.
This support can be combined with others?
“It can not be assigned the check-formation when the target training action support is already public co-financing object,” says the ordinance project.
What are the obligations of the beneficiaries or the employer?
The beneficiaries of the check-formation, or the employer if you have advanced to candidacy, after the end of training, within two months, must submit proof of their attendance and completion among IEFP services.
How many people will be affected?
The government estimates that the check-training can encompass “predictably” about 35 thousand unemployed and 180,000 active employees.
The final version of the statute that creates the “check-education” was discussed on 14 July with the social partners and has undergone several amendments, and in particular removed the requirement just to qualify for this support workers who had attended the 35 hours of mandatory training prescribed by law.
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